Time Management Tips: Matt Fruge's Guide for Roofing Contractors
In this video, Matt Fruge, CEO of SquareDash, shares valuable insights on time management skills tailored for roofing contractors. His direct and relatable approach makes these tips a must-watch for anyone in the roofing industry looking to prioritize tasks and balance their personal life. Below is a breakdown of effective time management strategies for roofing contractors.
Matt kicks off by addressing the shift in his career that necessitated a more structured approach to managing time. "It actually wasn't until I started Square Dash that I got really intentional about managing my time," he reflects. This shift from fieldwork to an office environment, filled with endless Zoom calls and repetitive tasks, was a game-changer. "I had no choice as I transitioned from fieldwork to being in the office on Zoom calls all day," Matt explains, highlighting the need for a more disciplined approach to scheduling and time management skills.
The core of Matt's advice lies in the concept of time blocking. He simplifies this: "Time blocking for roofing contractors involves allocating dedicated time slots for different tasks during the day." This technique allows roofing contractors to manage their day more efficiently by dedicating specific times for various time-consuming tasks, ensuring a more productive and organized workflow. Matt emphasizes the effectiveness of this approach in helping to effectively manage a busy schedule, stating, "This structured approach really allows you to prioritize and efficiently manage your workload."
Matt provides a practical example of how a roofing contractor can structure their day using time blocking. He suggests starting the day with administrative tasks from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m., a time to tackle the to-do list, followed by roof inspections from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., and then focusing on project work from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Matt advises on delegating tasks to ensure completing tasks effectively. "From 6 a.m to 10 a.m, I like to focus on administrative work... from 10 to 12, that would be a good time for roof inspections... from 2 to 4, that's where you're going to want to return to focus on project work," he explains. This schedule demonstrates how time blocking can bring order and focus to a typically chaotic day, allowing contractors to use their time effectively, manage other tasks, and save time.
Final Thoughts
In addition to outlining a daily schedule, Matt also discusses the importance of utilizing digital tools to improve this time management method. He mentions the use of Google Calendar for planning and scheduling tasks: "I've blocked off repetitive activities with their own blocks on my Google Calendar... if you have Calendly or HubSpot or any of these calendar management tools, it allows people to book appointments during those free slots." This insight shows how technology can be leveraged to optimize time management in the roofing business, aiding in business processes and delegating tasks.
This approach to time management through time blocking is a valuable strategy for any roofing contractor looking to improve their efficiency and productivity. By breaking up the day into focused time blocks and using digital tools for scheduling, roofing contractors can tackle their tasks with more clarity and effectiveness, ultimately leading to a more successful and organized business operation and helping them achieve success.
For more detailed tips and insights from industry experts, visit the SquareDash blog
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